
Partnering with private and public sector organizations in working towards identifying employees at risk, developing resilience, preventing mental health problems, managing addiction and sexual behavior at the workplace, and developing essential counselling skills.

Certificate Course in Prevention and Management of Mental Health Problems
Certificate Course in Prevention & Management of Mental Health Problems
Training Programs
Organization-Wide Sensitization Programs
Organization-Wide Sensitization Programs
Programs for Top Management
Programs for
Top Management
Employee Welfare Programs
Employee Welfare


Institute of Counsellor Training Research and Consultancy (ICTRC) was established in the year 1992 to work in the area of mental health. The core group of ICTRC comprises practicing psychologists, and educators. ICTRC facilitates corporate houses, educational institutions, government organizations, and NGOs realize their full potential by empowering their people in leadership positions. One of the major objectives of ICTRC is to equip functionaries responsible for managing and guiding organizational human-resource.


The Question Slip series on YouTube and other free resources by experts at ICTRC.