
Despite their proven efficiency and prevalence in the developed world, psychological tests are still foreign to the educational setups in the country. Due to poor understanding, most people are bewildered when confronted with psychological testing, and tend to dismiss it as a non-essential luxury. The scores of organizations that conduct these tests through untrained amateurs and still more that use unscientific and outlandish practices don’t lend much confidence to the process either. We at ICTRC practice the Scientific Process of subject allocation taking into account students’ aptitude, abilities and interest. A valid and reliable method that ensures that the integrity of the process is not compromised and each student gets the individual time and attention that he/she needs.

Target Audience

Class X students on the verge of selecting subjects

Administered By

School Services Department (SSD)


Multiple Days (Depending on the number of students)




Three-Stage Intervention:

  • I: Orientation Service (Scientific Process of Career Planning and Career Options) – Parents can also attend.
  • II: Psychological Testing Service (Administration, Scoring, Interpretation and Report)
  • III: Individual Counselling Service with Students and Parents (Parents’ attendance is compulsory)
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